BLZJ_97df7a 发表于 2022-6-16 15:27:55


弹性蛋白(Elastin)是弹性纤维(elastic fibers)的主要成分,本篇文章我们将对艾美捷BioVendor的弹性蛋白检测试剂盒F2000的实验参数进行相关说明。中文名称:弹性蛋白检测试剂盒英文名称:Fastin™ Elastin Assay (Standard Kit Size)规格:110assays(1kit)类型:比色法应用:细胞培养和/或动物研究、组织提取物、细胞样品要求:需要50至500ul的样本量,其中含有不少于 5 μg 且不超过 70 μg 的弹性蛋白。储存:将试剂盒储存在 RT 或 2–8°C。在这些条件下,该试剂盒在有效期之前是稳定的 艾美捷BioVendor弹性蛋白检测试剂盒F2000校准曲线 校准范围:5-70微克检测限:5微克弹性蛋白(Elastin)检测试剂盒已发表文章,仅摘录展示部分:1、Edgar, S., Hopley, B., Genovese, L., Sibilla, S. & (2018) Effects of collagen-derived bioactive peptides and natural antioxidant compounds on proliferation and matrix protein synthesis by cultured normal human. 2、Kress, S., Baur, J., Otto, C., Burkard, N. & (2018) Evaluation of a Miniaturized Biologically Vascularized Scaffold in vitro and in vivo. 3、Urbani, L., Camilli, C., & (2018) Multi-stage bioengineering of a layered oesophagus with in vitro expanded muscle and epithelial adult progenitors. 4、Ahn, G., Min, K., Kim, C., Lee, J., Kang, D., reports, J. W.-S., & 2017 Precise stacking of decellularized extracellular matrix based 3D cell-laden constructs by a 3D cell printing system equipped with heating modules. 5、Bengtsson, E., Hultman, K., Dunér, P., Reports, G. A.-S., & 2017 ADAMTS-7 is associated with a high-risk plaque phenotype in human atherosclerosis.资料来源/艾美捷科技/BioVendor/弹性蛋白检测试剂盒
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