• 40004-91360
  • 智慧协同 未来病理
| 排名: 47 
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[分享学习] WHO Classifcation of Tumours of the Urinary System attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-5-31 14961 阳光56 2017-6-29 14:17
[分享学习] Best Practices Recommendations in the Application of Immunohistochemistry in Testicular Tumors attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-4-29 14781 阳光56 2017-5-13 11:17
[分享学习] Application of Immunohistochemistry in Genitourinary Pathology attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-4-29 15841 阳光56 2017-5-13 11:17
[分享学习] Diagnosis of Prostate Cancer attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-2-24 15161 阳光56 2017-4-24 19:31
[分享学习] BladderCancer with InvUrothelial Lesions with Inverted Growth attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-2-24 15110 阳光56 2017-4-24 19:30
[分享学习] Benign Mimickers of Bladder Cancer attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-2-24 15309 阳光56 2017-4-24 19:30
[分享学习] Benign Mimickers of Prostate Cancer attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-2-24 15014 阳光56 2017-4-24 19:30
[分享学习] Variants of Prostate Cancer attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-3-31 15138 阳光56 2017-4-24 17:39
[分享学习] Therapy Related Changes in Prostate Lesions attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-3-31 14950 阳光56 2017-4-24 17:39
[分享学习] 免疫组化染色在肾上皮性肿瘤诊断中的应用 attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-4-23 04624 xiaofeng 2017-4-23 17:22
[分享学习] 2016版WHO前列腺癌分类解读 attach_img 阳光56 2016-12-27 15034 xiaofeng 2017-1-26 16:49
[分享学习] 男 54岁肾肿瘤 attach_img 阳光56 2017-1-10 35513 xiaofeng 2017-1-26 16:41
[分享学习] 先天性中胚层肾瘤的临床病理分析 attachment 莲心 医师 2016-12-8 14588 阳光56 2016-12-10 20:35
[分享学习] 肾癌转移的影像评价 attach_img 阳光56 2016-11-29 14417 xiaofeng 2016-11-30 08:34
[分享学习] 膀胱原位癌 attach_img 阳光56 2016-11-16 14301 阳光56 2016-11-16 14:35
[分享学习] 脊索样/丰富黏液样基质的尿路上皮癌的病理诊断与鉴别 attach_img 阳光56 2016-10-25 15304 xiaofeng 2016-10-29 23:38
[分享学习] 前列腺穿刺中国专家共识 attach_img 阳光56 2016-10-25 15407 xiaofeng 2016-10-29 23:36
[分享学习] 尿路上皮病变的病理诊断 attach_img 阳光56 2016-9-22 04253 阳光56 2016-9-22 09:47
[分享学习] 2016年前列腺癌临床指南(第二版) attachment 莲心 医师 2016-9-11 04550 莲心 2016-9-11 20:28
[分享学习] 肾脏集合管癌的病理及鉴别诊断 阳光56 2016-8-19 04853 阳光56 2016-8-19 19:27
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