• 40004-91360
  • 智慧协同 未来病理
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  SECTION1 第一部分
  A 30-year-old woman presented with a history of generalized tonic-clonic seizures since childhood, occurring for the first time at age 9. The initial diagnostic workup at age 13 demonstrated a distinctive calcified mass of the left frontal lobe on CT (figure, A)。 Together with a single facial nevus, the lesion was suspected to represent Sturge-Weber-like phakomatosis; however, the patient's clinical history and physical examination failed to reveal further evidence of a neurocutaneous syndrome. Neither MRI nor biopsy for histologic confirmation of the diagnosis was performed. At age 18 the patient was lost to follow-up at the children's hospital.
  At age 30, the patient, who had been on permanent antiepileptic treatment with valproic acid, had a generalized seizure, prompting clinical and radiologic reassessment. The reported facial nevus was no longer detectable and the patient was free of  neurologic symptoms or signs. CT scan of the head revealed calcified masses of the left and right frontal lobes (figure, B), with considerable progression when compared to the initial CT scans obtained 17 years before.
  SECTION2 第二部分
  In the absence of significant clinical findings, the radiologic differential diagnosis based on CT scans is broad, including various primary and secondary brain tumors. Neoplasms with dense calcifications include, among others, oligodendroglioma, ganglioglioma, and meningioma. Vascular pathologies including cavernous malformations or aneurysms and infectious lesions with calcifications such as tuberculosis must be considered. Furthermore, Sturge-Weber syndrome and other neurocutaneous disorders can be associated with cortical calcifications. More advanced imaging techniques may be helpful to allow for a more precise diagnosis. An MRI scan confirmed the bifrontal masses with distinctive signal alterations on T1- and T2/fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)–weighted sequences of the surrounding brain parenchyma interpreted as chronic demyelinating and gliotic changes rather than acute vasogenic edema, consistent with the slow progression of the lesion.Contrast-enhancedT1sequences demonstrated intense contrast enhancement in the noncalcified regions of the lesion (figure, C)。In order to assess the nature of the mass more precisely, 18F-fluoro-ethyl-tyrosine PET (18F-FET-PET) was performed, which displayed marked enhancement of tyrosine uptake compatible with metabolically active tissue (figure, D)。
  SECTION3 第三部分
  Overall,the imaging findings cannot be considered as typical of Sturge-Weber syndrome or any other neurocutaneous syndrome. However, the strong tyrosine uptake indicates metabolically active tissue and is suspicious for a malignant tumor. Based on these considerations, the decision was made to obtain a biopsy for histopathologic assessment. A microsurgical open biopsy was undertaken with neuronavigation guidance in a superficial isolated lesion including meningeal and cortical samples within high FET uptake and contrast enhancement (figure, E)。 On gross examination, the tissue was noted to have a gritty texture and contained white flecks. Histologic analysis revealed an unstructured hypocellular mass with an amorphous vaguely chondroid to finely fibrillar core, somewhat resembling fibrocartilage, surrounded by mature lamellar bone and a superficial rind of spindle to epithelioid cells (figure, F, upper panels)。 Coarse cords of lumpy, slightly fibrillar matrix appeared to radiate toward the cortical layer of epithelial-like cells. These plump cortical cells with nuclear pseudoinclusions (figure, F, lower left) were variably positive for epithelial membrane antigen compatible with meningothelial origin (figure, F, lower right)。 The MIB1 proliferation was low (,1%) and mostly restricted to the surfacecells. Based on the above features and the absence of other elements suggesting aneoplastic process, the diagnosis of “calcifying pseudoneoplasm of the neuraxis” was rendered.
  Calcifying pseudoneoplasms of the neuraxis (CAPNONs) are rare lesions of the CNS, with few patients reported to date.1–10 CAPNON can occur bothintracranially and spinally without a predominant localization. It has been described in patients aged from 6 to 68 years with a preponderance of males.3 The clinical symptoms and signs vary and dependon the localization of the mass, with seizures as the most frequent symptom if the lesion is located intracranially.1,2 Of note, CAPNON is a descriptive diagnosis and the underlying pathologic process is largely unknown. By definition, CAPNON is a discrete hypocellular, chondrocalcific, occasionally ossified mass that is covered by a surface layer of epithelioid cells of presumed meningothelial origin. According to the current interpretation, a reactive rather than a hamartomatous lesion has been assumed.2 Other authors have suggested that the lesion represents abortiveboneformation7 or an extremely rare variant of a very low-grade neoplasm.8 CAPNONs present with distinctive imaging features, as is illustrated in our case. CT scans typically show a densely calcified lesion,1 whereas MRI mostly reveals hypointense T1 and T2 signals with mild and inhomogeneous internal or rim contrast enhancement.1,4
  The present case adds some novel aspects and is of particular interest because of the radiologic documentation covering a period of 17 years, which demonstrates that these lesions can grow over a very long period of time. Furthermore, this is the first report on the use of FET-PET in a patient with CAPNON. The MRI demonstrated marked contrast enhancement in the noncalcified peripheral regions of the mass and a distinct T2/FLAIR signal alteration (figure, C), which differs from other reports. Furthermore, our patient underwent an 18F-FET-PET scan, which displayed profoundly increased tyrosine uptake (figure, D); however, FET-PET has not been previously reported in patients with CAPNON. Of interest, the PET results suggest the presence of tissue with high activity. Together with the CT and MRI findings, this led to the initial assumption of a malignant tumor. However, the histopathologic features shown in our case did not support the diagnosis of a malignant tumor but displayed the characteristic features of CAPNON. The histopathologic differential diagnosis encompasses tumoral calcinosis as seen in neoplasms such as osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma, meningioma, or even gliomas; however, histologic evidence of a neoplastic process was lacking. Alternatively, since the lesion could not be completely excised, another entity not sampled by the surgical procedure cannot be excluded.
  Our patient had a long-standing history of seizures that spanned more than 20 years. The radiologic documentation covers 17 years and indicates a clear progression of the lesion within this period. Resection has been proposed as the most appropriate treatment for CAPNON.3 However, large lesions as in our case may not be amenable to complete resection. Owing to the lack of larger series, the value of complete vs partial resection remains speculative. However, given the continuous growth of the mass in our patient, complete resection—if considered feasible without causing neurologic deficits—may be the preferred approach. Partial resection may help to reduce the mass effect and neurologic symptoms but may not prevent further growth. Because of the lack of any therapeutic approach other than surgery, complete resection may be the only option to prevent continuous growth of CAPNON as in our case. Another important aspect of surgery is the collection of tissue, which allows for histopathologic confirmation of CAPNON and the exclusion of other differential diagnoses.
  The progressive growth pattern of the lesion in our patient and the high activity assessed by FET-PET challenge the view that CAPNON represents an entirely benign lesion, despite the lack of histologic signs of malignancy. Other treatment modalities in patients with nonresectable CAPNON have not been established so far and the potential benefit of medical treatment such as steroid administration or more aggressive approaches such as chemotherapy or irradiation needs further investigation.
  图:13岁(A)、30岁时(B)的颅脑CT。(C)MRI轴位T1-、T2/FLAIR及轴位对比剂增强T1序列。(D)氟乙基酪氨酸-PET:红、黄色标记区代表高代谢活性区。(E)肿块切开活组织检查的术中所见。(F)低倍镜下,神经中轴钙化性假瘤呈明显乏细胞表现:无定型嗜碱性物质核心(*),稀疏的梭形细胞带(**)及该例中所见的骨化组织(***),这些特点提示更为慢性的病变(左上,苏木精-伊红染色[H&E],×50)。梭形-上皮样细胞的包膜下可见类似纤维软骨的模糊软骨样-纤细纤维样核心( 右上,H&E,×100)。粗大索条状团块、纤细的纤维基质向上皮细样细胞的皮质层放射状排列(x),偶见细胞核假包涵体(xx左下,H&E,×200)。上皮样细胞(?)可能为脑膜上皮起源,可被上皮细胞膜抗原标记。(右下,上皮细胞膜抗原,×200)。

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