• 40004-91360
  • 智慧协同 未来病理
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本版置顶 隐藏置顶帖 [分享学习] 91360论坛乳腺和女性生殖版块资源汇总贴 我是帅小伙 2016-4-13 010774 我是帅小伙 2016-4-13 17:00
[分享学习] 子宫内膜癌的病理诊断及进展 attachment xiaofeng 医师 2017-4-27 615220 余秋雨 2022-2-22 20:56
[分享学习] 乳腺癌免疫组化指标的意义解读 阳光56 2016-4-25 29643 小绵羊羊 2021-1-14 23:27
[分享学习] 【12.16病例读片】(右乳腺)伴横纹肌样特征的上皮-肌上皮癌 attach_img BLZJ_1af6f2 2020-12-14 17599 看了又看 2020-12-17 09:15
[分享学习] 子宫内膜非肿瘤性疾病的诊断 attachment xiaofeng 医师 2016-6-26 611447 BLZJ_033266 2020-6-28 09:52
[分享学习] An Update of Mucinous lesions of the breast attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-30 25357 wy1992 2020-4-19 19:30
[分享学习] 乳腺肉瘤样癌 attach_img 阳光56 2016-7-21 16481 wy1992 2020-3-30 08:48
[分享学习] 子宫内膜非肿瘤性病变 attachment xiaofeng 医师 2016-6-26 58818 wy1992 2020-3-20 11:50
[分享学习] 子宫颈及阔韧带原发Ewing肉瘤 外周原始神经临床病理及免..... attachment 莲心 医师 2016-7-20 15146 wy1992 2020-3-20 08:27
[分享学习] 春节解气 新人帖 BLZJ_211deb 2020-2-2 15442 wy1992 2020-3-16 08:46
[分享学习] PD-L1 (SP263) 判读标准 attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-30 25309 糊涂散人00 2019-8-5 10:07
[分享学习] 乳腺纤维瘤病型化生性癌 attach_img 阳光56 2016-7-26 78793 古月儿 2019-7-23 22:23
[分享学习] 【课件】阴道镜检查在临床应用中应注意的问题 attach_img 我是帅小伙 2016-4-28 27891 看了又看 2019-4-3 18:48
[分享学习] 2019版中国乳腺癌HER2检测指南更新解读 就爱小小酥 2019-3-28 26567 看了又看 2019-4-2 10:26
[分享学习] Immunohistochemistry for Diagnosis of Metastatic Carcinomas of Unknown Primary Site attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-30 15071 阳光56 2019-2-27 22:58
[分享学习] 卵巢交界性浆液性肿瘤-进展与争议 attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-30 14792 阳光56 2019-2-27 22:58
[分享学习] Changing the Term “Breast Tumor Resembling the Tall Cell Variant of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma” to “Tall Cell Variant of Papillary Breast Carcinoma” attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-31 14625 阳光56 2019-2-27 22:52
[分享学习] Papillary Lesions of the Breast attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-31 14365 阳光56 2019-2-27 22:52
[分享学习] Solid Papillary Breast Carcinomas Resembling the Tall Cell Variant of Papillary Thyroid Neoplasms attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-31 14372 阳光56 2019-2-27 22:52
[分享学习] Solid Papillary Breast Carcinomas Resembling the Tall Cell Variant of Papillary Thyroid Neoplasms attachment xiaofeng 医师 2019-1-31 14500 阳光56 2019-2-27 22:52
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